Post by captainlhurgoyf on Oct 13, 2013 22:04:10 GMT -5
We've all had that moment once in a while where we stumble upon a hilarious moment on Pesterchum. And for some of us, that's a moment that we just have to share. Post your best Pesterlogs here!
To start off, here's one between my new troll, Rikten Rishaa (I'll post a profile soon), and Tekkenfreak4's genetic engineer Aryner Tanfon.
To start off, here's one between my new troll, Rikten Rishaa (I'll post a profile soon), and Tekkenfreak4's genetic engineer Aryner Tanfon.
[10:07] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] began trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:07 --
[10:07] SN: I-[|||]-- GrEEtings.
[10:07] AU: Who i$ thi$?
[10:08] SN: I-[|||]-- AyrnEr tAnfon.
[10:08] SN: I-[|||]-- who ArE you?
[10:08] SN: I-[|||]-- sir.
[10:09] AU: रikt€n रi$haa. And no n€€d to $top ฿€ing ¢A$H-ua£.
[10:09] SN: I-[|||]-- right. wE ArE both sEADwEllErs, AftEr All.
[10:10] AU: $o ¥ou aर€ £€$$ of a p€a$ant than I'm u$€d to D€A£-ing with.
[10:11] SN: I-[|||]-- you DEAl with lowblooDs oftEn?
[10:11] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM sorry to hEAr thAt.
[10:12] SN: I-[|||]-- thEy sEEM to bE A plAguE on this plAnEt.
[10:12] SN: I-[|||]-- wEll, not sEEM.
[10:12] SN: I-[|||]-- thEy ArE.
[10:12] AU: Th€¥ hav€ $om€ u$€ to m€.
[10:12] AU: Who €£$€ do I u$€ to d€mon$tरat€ m¥ w€a£th?
[10:12] AU: $uर€£¥ ¥ou won't und€र$tand th€ wa¥ th€¥ wi££.
[10:14] SN: I-[|||]-- MAinly bEcAusE i AM probAbly As rich As you ArE.
[10:14] SN: I-[|||]-- AnD i coulD giVE lEss of A shit bEcAusE of this fAct.
[10:14] AU: €xa¢t£¥. A£though I £ik€£¥ own moर€ ฿u$in€$$€$ than ¥ou.
[10:15] AU: W€££, I think it'$ puर€ GO£D!
[10:15] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM A gEnEticist, i hAVE no nEEED to own MultiplE businEssEs.
[10:15] AU: W€££, it'$ what giv€$ m€ th€ in¢om€ that र€a££¥ रI¢H€n$ thing$!
[10:16] SN: I-[|||]-- your puns ArE Atrocious.
[10:16] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM jsut glAD you Do not Do thE stupiD fish puns.
[10:16] SN: I-[|||]-- thosE gEt on My nErVEs.
[10:16] AU: ¥ou m€an £ik€ $a£MON€¥?
[10:17] SN: I-[|||]-- ...
[10:17] SN: I-[|||]-- goD fucking DAMn it.
[10:17] AU: H€¥, that र€mind$ m€.
[10:17] AU: ¥ou'र€ a g€n€ti¢i$t, ¥ou $a¥?
[10:17] SN: I-[|||]-- yEs.
[10:18] AU: Do ¥ou do an¥ g€n€ti¢ €ngin€€रing, ฿¥ an¥ ¢han¢€?
[10:19] SN: I-[|||]-- yEs, i Do. i AM currEntly tEsting A substAncE As wE spEAk.
[10:19] SN: I-[|||]-- i Must sAy, it DoEs wonDErs to trolls.
[10:19] SN: I-[|||]-- or, it shoulD if i coulD wEAponizE it.
[10:19] AU: €x¢€££€nt! ¥ou'र€ ju$t what I'v€ ฿€€n £ooking into!
[10:20] SN: I-[|||]-- rEAlly?
[10:20] SN: I-[|||]-- for whAt?
[10:21] AU: With g€n€ti¢ €ngin€€रing, I ¢ou£d ฿रoad€n m¥ रang€ of oppoरtuniti€$ foर ¢a$h $HOW$!
[10:22] SN: I-[|||]-- My sciEncE ExpEriMEnts ArE not for soMEonE looking to MAkE A quick buck.
[10:22] AU: Oh, wh¥ do ¥ou think it'$ foर pरofit?
[10:22] AU: I m€an to $how off to p€a$ant$ how रi¢h I am!
[10:22] SN: I-[|||]-- bEcAusE you spEcificAlly sAiD cAsh show.
[10:23] AU: Imagin€ it! W€ ¢an ¢र€at€ £iving ฿€ing$ that £ook £ik€ mon€¥!
[10:23] SN: I-[|||]-- thAt sounDs VEry unlikEly.
[10:23] SN: I-[|||]-- in both plAusibility AnD prActicAlity.
[10:23] AU: Imagin€ th€ po$$i฿i£iti€$! Th€ dough-dough ฿iरd! Th€ do££aर-matian! Th€ ¢a$h ¢ow!
[10:24] SN: I-[|||]-- if it is so you cAn usE thosE rEtArDED puns, forgEt it.
[10:24] SN: I-[|||]-- i rEfEr you to My prEVious stAtEMEnt on puns.
[10:25] AU: ฿ut m¥ pun$ aर€ a-DOUGH-रi฿£€!
[10:25] SN: I-[|||]-- no.
[10:25] SN: I-[|||]-- no thEy ArE not.
[10:25] SN: I-[|||]-- plEAsE stop.
[10:26] AU: Oh, रight.
[10:26] AU: I $hou£d hav€ $aid adoरa-฿I££!
[10:26] SN: I-[|||]-- ugh...
[10:26] SN: I-[|||]-- you ArE gEtting on My nErVEs, ritkEn.
[10:27] AU: W€££, ฿a¢k to ฿u$in€$$, th€n.
[10:27] SN: I-[|||]-- i AlrEADy DEclinED, you know.
[10:28] AU: That wa$ ฿€foर€ I nam€d a pरi¢€.
[10:28] SN: I-[|||]-- i coulD cArE lEss About thE MonEy.
[10:28] SN: I-[|||]-- i Do not likE thE iDEA of My work bEing thE subjEct of puns.
[10:29] SN: I-[|||]-- Also, thE MADE of MonEy thing just will not work
[10:29] AU: Oh! That'$ a gर€at pun!
[10:29] AU: W€ ¢र€at€ a tरo££ mad€ puर€£¥ of mon€¥, $o I ¢an $a¥ "I'm not mad€ of mon€¥, ฿ut H€ I$!"
[10:29] SN: I-[|||]-- no.
[10:29] SN: I-[|||]-- just no.
[10:31] AU: Aaw, wh¥ not? It'$ ฿I££-iant!
[10:31] SN: I-[|||]-- thE MorE puns you pull, th EMorE likEly i will EnD this conVErsAtion iMMEDiAtEly.
[10:32] SN: I-[|||]-- AnD likE i sAiD, it is iMplAusAblE AnD nEigh iMpossiblE to ActuAlly bE MADE of MonEy. it is just not possiblE.
[10:32] AU: W€ ¢an ju$t mak€ hi$ $kin th€ pरop€र ¢o£ouर, t€xtuर€, and patt€रn.
[10:33] SN: I-[|||]-- thAt sounDs likE A stupiD iDEA.
[10:33] SN: I-[|||]-- i will not tAkE Any pArt in thAt.
[10:38] AU: ฿ut th€ pरo$p€¢t$ aर€ रI¢H with pot€n-$HI££!
[10:38] SN: I-[|||]-- thE potEntiAl is thAt thErE is nonE.
[10:39] SN: I-[|||]-- this DoEs not bEttEr thE troll rAcE, it DoEsn't bEttEr AnyonE but yousElf.
[10:39] SN: I-[|||]-- i DEAl with rEVolutionAry DiscoVEriEs thAt coulD chAngE thE fAcE of AltErniA!
[10:39] AU: And making tरo££$ out of mon€¥ i$n't र€vo£utionaर¥?
[10:40] SN: I-[|||]-- though, in thE irony of it All, i lAck thE funDing for thE truEly intErEsting phAsE f My tEsting.
[10:40] SN: I-[|||]-- your iDEA is just stupiD AnD pointlEss.
[10:40] SN: I-[|||]-- "i crEAtED A troll out of MonEy." "so?" "...gooD point."
[10:41] AU: W€ ¢an mak€ it a d€a£.
[10:41] AU: I giv€ ¥ou mon€¥, ¥ou mak€ m¥ punima£$.
[10:41] SN: I-[|||]-- cAlling thEM puniMAls ArE not hElping your cAsE.
[10:42] AU: Th€¥'र€ anima£$, ฿ut th€¥'र€ a£$o pun$!
[10:42] AU: Ju$t imagin€ it! $pi-DOUGH$!
[10:42] SN: I-[|||]-- i, for thE thirD tiME, rEfEr you to My opinion on puns.
[10:43] AU: Oh! It do€$n't €v€n hav€ to ฿€ anima£$! W€ ¢ou£d mak€ ¢OIN on th€ ¢o฿!
[10:43] SN: I-[|||]-- sEriously, your puns ArE likE spEArs iMpAling ME in My thinkpAn.
[10:43] SN: I-[|||]-- plEAsE stop.
[10:44] AU: ฿ut ¥ou didn't an$w€र.
[10:44] AU: Do w€ hav€ a d€a£?
[10:44] SN: I-[|||]-- i cAn finD A DEAl thAt DoEsn't inVolVE ME stAbbing My hEAD with A nAil EVEr tiME i MAkE onE of thosE stupiD things.
[10:45] AU: I ¢an ฿u¥ ¥ou a h€£m€t th€n.
[10:45] SN: I-[|||]-- i hAtE puns.
[10:45] SN: I-[|||]-- Anything inVolVing puns is A wAstE of tiME.
[10:45] SN: I-[|||]-- your puns ArE giVing ME A hEAD AchE.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM going to lEAVE AnD gEt soME Aspirin.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- gooD byE, ritkEn.
[10:46] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:46 --
[10:46] AU: Moर€ £ik€ good ฿U¥!
[10:46] -- affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] gave up trolling sluggishNewtons [SN] at 22:46 --
[10:46] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] began trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:46 --
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- oh My goD, shut up!
[10:46] AU: Wait, ¥ou a¢tua££¥ got that?
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- just.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- lEAVE.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- ME.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- AlonE.
[10:47] SN: I-[|||]-- gooD byE!
[10:47] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:47 --
[10:48] -- affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] began trolling sluggishNewtons [SN] at 22:48 --
[10:48] AU: Mon€¥.
[10:49] AU: ¢a$h.
[10:49] AU: Dough.
[10:49] AU: ¢oin
[10:49] AU: ฿i££.
[10:49] AU: ฿ank.
[10:49] AU: ¢€nt.
[10:49] SN: I-[|||]-- if you uttEr AnothEr worD- thAt's it. you forcED My hAnD.
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] blocked affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:49] AU: ¥ou'र€ funn¥!
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] did not receive message from affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] did not receive message from affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:51] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] mercifully forgave affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:51 --
[10:51] AU: $o I ¢an ¢A$H ¥ou again?
[10:51] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:51 --
[10:07] SN: I-[|||]-- GrEEtings.
[10:07] AU: Who i$ thi$?
[10:08] SN: I-[|||]-- AyrnEr tAnfon.
[10:08] SN: I-[|||]-- who ArE you?
[10:08] SN: I-[|||]-- sir.
[10:09] AU: रikt€n रi$haa. And no n€€d to $top ฿€ing ¢A$H-ua£.
[10:09] SN: I-[|||]-- right. wE ArE both sEADwEllErs, AftEr All.
[10:10] AU: $o ¥ou aर€ £€$$ of a p€a$ant than I'm u$€d to D€A£-ing with.
[10:11] SN: I-[|||]-- you DEAl with lowblooDs oftEn?
[10:11] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM sorry to hEAr thAt.
[10:12] SN: I-[|||]-- thEy sEEM to bE A plAguE on this plAnEt.
[10:12] SN: I-[|||]-- wEll, not sEEM.
[10:12] SN: I-[|||]-- thEy ArE.
[10:12] AU: Th€¥ hav€ $om€ u$€ to m€.
[10:12] AU: Who €£$€ do I u$€ to d€mon$tरat€ m¥ w€a£th?
[10:12] AU: $uर€£¥ ¥ou won't und€र$tand th€ wa¥ th€¥ wi££.
[10:14] SN: I-[|||]-- MAinly bEcAusE i AM probAbly As rich As you ArE.
[10:14] SN: I-[|||]-- AnD i coulD giVE lEss of A shit bEcAusE of this fAct.
[10:14] AU: €xa¢t£¥. A£though I £ik€£¥ own moर€ ฿u$in€$$€$ than ¥ou.
[10:15] AU: W€££, I think it'$ puर€ GO£D!
[10:15] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM A gEnEticist, i hAVE no nEEED to own MultiplE businEssEs.
[10:15] AU: W€££, it'$ what giv€$ m€ th€ in¢om€ that र€a££¥ रI¢H€n$ thing$!
[10:16] SN: I-[|||]-- your puns ArE Atrocious.
[10:16] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM jsut glAD you Do not Do thE stupiD fish puns.
[10:16] SN: I-[|||]-- thosE gEt on My nErVEs.
[10:16] AU: ¥ou m€an £ik€ $a£MON€¥?
[10:17] SN: I-[|||]-- ...
[10:17] SN: I-[|||]-- goD fucking DAMn it.
[10:17] AU: H€¥, that र€mind$ m€.
[10:17] AU: ¥ou'र€ a g€n€ti¢i$t, ¥ou $a¥?
[10:17] SN: I-[|||]-- yEs.
[10:18] AU: Do ¥ou do an¥ g€n€ti¢ €ngin€€रing, ฿¥ an¥ ¢han¢€?
[10:19] SN: I-[|||]-- yEs, i Do. i AM currEntly tEsting A substAncE As wE spEAk.
[10:19] SN: I-[|||]-- i Must sAy, it DoEs wonDErs to trolls.
[10:19] SN: I-[|||]-- or, it shoulD if i coulD wEAponizE it.
[10:19] AU: €x¢€££€nt! ¥ou'र€ ju$t what I'v€ ฿€€n £ooking into!
[10:20] SN: I-[|||]-- rEAlly?
[10:20] SN: I-[|||]-- for whAt?
[10:21] AU: With g€n€ti¢ €ngin€€रing, I ¢ou£d ฿रoad€n m¥ रang€ of oppoरtuniti€$ foर ¢a$h $HOW$!
[10:22] SN: I-[|||]-- My sciEncE ExpEriMEnts ArE not for soMEonE looking to MAkE A quick buck.
[10:22] AU: Oh, wh¥ do ¥ou think it'$ foर pरofit?
[10:22] AU: I m€an to $how off to p€a$ant$ how रi¢h I am!
[10:22] SN: I-[|||]-- bEcAusE you spEcificAlly sAiD cAsh show.
[10:23] AU: Imagin€ it! W€ ¢an ¢र€at€ £iving ฿€ing$ that £ook £ik€ mon€¥!
[10:23] SN: I-[|||]-- thAt sounDs VEry unlikEly.
[10:23] SN: I-[|||]-- in both plAusibility AnD prActicAlity.
[10:23] AU: Imagin€ th€ po$$i฿i£iti€$! Th€ dough-dough ฿iरd! Th€ do££aर-matian! Th€ ¢a$h ¢ow!
[10:24] SN: I-[|||]-- if it is so you cAn usE thosE rEtArDED puns, forgEt it.
[10:24] SN: I-[|||]-- i rEfEr you to My prEVious stAtEMEnt on puns.
[10:25] AU: ฿ut m¥ pun$ aर€ a-DOUGH-रi฿£€!
[10:25] SN: I-[|||]-- no.
[10:25] SN: I-[|||]-- no thEy ArE not.
[10:25] SN: I-[|||]-- plEAsE stop.
[10:26] AU: Oh, रight.
[10:26] AU: I $hou£d hav€ $aid adoरa-฿I££!
[10:26] SN: I-[|||]-- ugh...
[10:26] SN: I-[|||]-- you ArE gEtting on My nErVEs, ritkEn.
[10:27] AU: W€££, ฿a¢k to ฿u$in€$$, th€n.
[10:27] SN: I-[|||]-- i AlrEADy DEclinED, you know.
[10:28] AU: That wa$ ฿€foर€ I nam€d a pरi¢€.
[10:28] SN: I-[|||]-- i coulD cArE lEss About thE MonEy.
[10:28] SN: I-[|||]-- i Do not likE thE iDEA of My work bEing thE subjEct of puns.
[10:29] SN: I-[|||]-- Also, thE MADE of MonEy thing just will not work
[10:29] AU: Oh! That'$ a gर€at pun!
[10:29] AU: W€ ¢र€at€ a tरo££ mad€ puर€£¥ of mon€¥, $o I ¢an $a¥ "I'm not mad€ of mon€¥, ฿ut H€ I$!"
[10:29] SN: I-[|||]-- no.
[10:29] SN: I-[|||]-- just no.
[10:31] AU: Aaw, wh¥ not? It'$ ฿I££-iant!
[10:31] SN: I-[|||]-- thE MorE puns you pull, th EMorE likEly i will EnD this conVErsAtion iMMEDiAtEly.
[10:32] SN: I-[|||]-- AnD likE i sAiD, it is iMplAusAblE AnD nEigh iMpossiblE to ActuAlly bE MADE of MonEy. it is just not possiblE.
[10:32] AU: W€ ¢an ju$t mak€ hi$ $kin th€ pरop€र ¢o£ouर, t€xtuर€, and patt€रn.
[10:33] SN: I-[|||]-- thAt sounDs likE A stupiD iDEA.
[10:33] SN: I-[|||]-- i will not tAkE Any pArt in thAt.
[10:38] AU: ฿ut th€ pरo$p€¢t$ aर€ रI¢H with pot€n-$HI££!
[10:38] SN: I-[|||]-- thE potEntiAl is thAt thErE is nonE.
[10:39] SN: I-[|||]-- this DoEs not bEttEr thE troll rAcE, it DoEsn't bEttEr AnyonE but yousElf.
[10:39] SN: I-[|||]-- i DEAl with rEVolutionAry DiscoVEriEs thAt coulD chAngE thE fAcE of AltErniA!
[10:39] AU: And making tरo££$ out of mon€¥ i$n't र€vo£utionaर¥?
[10:40] SN: I-[|||]-- though, in thE irony of it All, i lAck thE funDing for thE truEly intErEsting phAsE f My tEsting.
[10:40] SN: I-[|||]-- your iDEA is just stupiD AnD pointlEss.
[10:40] SN: I-[|||]-- "i crEAtED A troll out of MonEy." "so?" "...gooD point."
[10:41] AU: W€ ¢an mak€ it a d€a£.
[10:41] AU: I giv€ ¥ou mon€¥, ¥ou mak€ m¥ punima£$.
[10:41] SN: I-[|||]-- cAlling thEM puniMAls ArE not hElping your cAsE.
[10:42] AU: Th€¥'र€ anima£$, ฿ut th€¥'र€ a£$o pun$!
[10:42] AU: Ju$t imagin€ it! $pi-DOUGH$!
[10:42] SN: I-[|||]-- i, for thE thirD tiME, rEfEr you to My opinion on puns.
[10:43] AU: Oh! It do€$n't €v€n hav€ to ฿€ anima£$! W€ ¢ou£d mak€ ¢OIN on th€ ¢o฿!
[10:43] SN: I-[|||]-- sEriously, your puns ArE likE spEArs iMpAling ME in My thinkpAn.
[10:43] SN: I-[|||]-- plEAsE stop.
[10:44] AU: ฿ut ¥ou didn't an$w€र.
[10:44] AU: Do w€ hav€ a d€a£?
[10:44] SN: I-[|||]-- i cAn finD A DEAl thAt DoEsn't inVolVE ME stAbbing My hEAD with A nAil EVEr tiME i MAkE onE of thosE stupiD things.
[10:45] AU: I ¢an ฿u¥ ¥ou a h€£m€t th€n.
[10:45] SN: I-[|||]-- i hAtE puns.
[10:45] SN: I-[|||]-- Anything inVolVing puns is A wAstE of tiME.
[10:45] SN: I-[|||]-- your puns ArE giVing ME A hEAD AchE.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- i AM going to lEAVE AnD gEt soME Aspirin.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- gooD byE, ritkEn.
[10:46] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:46 --
[10:46] AU: Moर€ £ik€ good ฿U¥!
[10:46] -- affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] gave up trolling sluggishNewtons [SN] at 22:46 --
[10:46] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] began trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:46 --
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- oh My goD, shut up!
[10:46] AU: Wait, ¥ou a¢tua££¥ got that?
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- just.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- lEAVE.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- ME.
[10:46] SN: I-[|||]-- AlonE.
[10:47] SN: I-[|||]-- gooD byE!
[10:47] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:47 --
[10:48] -- affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] began trolling sluggishNewtons [SN] at 22:48 --
[10:48] AU: Mon€¥.
[10:49] AU: ¢a$h.
[10:49] AU: Dough.
[10:49] AU: ¢oin
[10:49] AU: ฿i££.
[10:49] AU: ฿ank.
[10:49] AU: ¢€nt.
[10:49] SN: I-[|||]-- if you uttEr AnothEr worD- thAt's it. you forcED My hAnD.
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] blocked affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:49] AU: ¥ou'र€ funn¥!
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] did not receive message from affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:49] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] did not receive message from affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:49 --
[10:51] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] mercifully forgave affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:51 --
[10:51] AU: $o I ¢an ¢A$H ¥ou again?
[10:51] -- sluggishNewtons [SN] gave up trolling affluentlyUnsubtle [AU] at 22:51 --